Friday, December 4, 2015

Tweet your Ashgate Images #TheAshgate40

Ashgate has maintained a commitment to producing illustrated books of the highest quality, at a reasonable price, at a time when very few other publishers are able to do so, and many refuse to even consider submissions with images. Ashgate had a dedicated production process for heavily illustrated books that retained quality while maintaining a reasonable price. Ashgate even allowed authors to publish up to 40 images without a subvention. One frequently cited concern on the petition is whether or not Informa will continue Ashgate's laudable practices for illustrated books.

Worryingly, reports are coming in that authors with manuscripts under review at Ashgate have been told the will have to reduce the number of illustrations.

If you are an Ashgate author whose books included images and you active on twitter, join me in tweeting the illustrations from your books using the hashtag #TheAshgate40

Of course you should  only tweet out those images that are in public domain or that you know you have permission to tweet- we should all know to respect the copyright of image owners and the budget pressures of museums and libraries!

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